You can argue endlessly about polygamy and monogamy, but nature has made its adjustments, even at the stage of human creation. An important element of daily life for a man is the ability to provide a woman, the "weak half". The thesis here is "I came. I saw. I won. "
Increasingly, modern men turn to narrow specialists (physiologically) because they are unable to perform their main functions. The reasons for the lack of potential in men can be various factors. Among them:
- stressful situations;
- nervous disorders;
- lack of proper and healthy nutrition;
- crazy rhythm of life;
- wear and tear;
- health problems, etc.
The factors that affect male strength can be listed endlessly. But the first thing most strong sexes do is see a doctor. A qualified specialist will prescribe a treatment that can be both easy and painless, with side and side effects. In addition to wasting time and money, it can do more harm to human health.
That is when a person thinks of using non-traditional methods of treatment: he turns to alternative medicine.
Use of plants to restore potency
In addition to its healing properties, various herbs, known for their potency-restoring properties, are used by many to increase libido.
One of the most popular ways to restore male strength is to use aphrodisiacs. Translated from the ancient Greek, this concept is translated as "the joy of love. "At first glance, it seems that this is a very complex thing, it requires certain knowledge and skills to cook. But it is not so. Most of the plants that increase potency can be bought on the open market or plucked by knowing what they look like. Let's look at the most common of them.
- St. John's wort.This medicinal plant is most in demand in therapeutic practice and has a wide range of uses for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Together with rosemary and thyme, it restores male function, helps to feel an increase in strength and desire. The recipe does not require much effort. Herbs should be mixed in equal amounts (1 tablespoon) and pour boiling water (1 liter of water). Previously, herbs were ground in any convenient way. The resulting composition is poured into a thermos or a bowl and wrapped in something dry and warm. In addition, the resulting composition should be insisted, filtered and taken 2 rubles a day, 250 ml each.
- Celery, dill, parsley.In order to use these plants as aphrodisiacs, it is necessary to squeeze water from them and mix them in equal amounts. You should take such a composition for 1 tbsp. spoon 2 rubles / day. You can also finely chop these herbs, mix, and season with butter or sour cream. The aphrodisiac salad is ready! This salad is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Very important! It is recommended not to exceed the allowable amount of greens - about 100 grams. If there is always a large amount, then there is an accumulation of myristine, which causes dyspepsia and allergic reactions. In severe cases, psychosis develops with hallucinations.
- ginseng.This perennial herb is widely known among fans of non-traditional treatments. Has tonic and invigorating properties. But few people know that this plant has a positive effect on male potency. Decoction of ginseng root should be prepared by mixing it with any sweetener (for example, use honey). In addition, the finished tincture is sold in pharmacies. However, when using this plant, it should be remembered that the contraindication to the use of ginseng is a person with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. There is also mountain ginseng - aka Peru maca. The powder of this root is placed as an effective means to increase potency and enlarge the penis. With regular use, the erection really improves, so the volume of the genitals increases at the time of arousal.
- Rhodiola, lemongrass, eleutherococcus.The properties of male potency are similar to ginseng. In addition, they have a positive effect on the body as a whole, give strength.
- Qoryanka.It has the same properties as well-known drugs, it produces testosterone, which is responsible for sexual activity in men.
- Creeping anchors.Like Goryanka, they also contribute to testosterone production. In addition, they strengthen muscles and increase efficiency.
Seeds to increase libido
Seeds containing zinc have a strong effect on increasing potency. Zinc is believed to be responsible for sexual activity. Sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds are widely used. They are mixed in equal parts, crushed, honey is added. The composition is stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day for several months.
In addition, pumpkin seeds have antiparasitic effect. With their daily use, activity increases, vitality and energy appear.
Natural aphrodisiacs to increase sexual activity
garlic. A daily diet is important to increase male libido. Potential strengthening products include garlic, which can be purchased at any store. In addition to the stimulating effect, garlic has antibacterial properties, enhances the body's protective properties.

Contraindications to the use of garlic are the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Parsley is used to minimize the pungent odor of garlic in the mouth. It is enough to chew for a while. The combination of garlic and parsley allows you to further increase male potency.
bal.Like honey, a bee product is a powerful aphrodisiac. Honey also boosts immunity and lowers cholesterol. To make a cocktail with honey, you need to mix one part of honey with two parts of aloe juice, add three parts of red wine to this mixture. Wine should be made naturally, preferably at home. Parsley seeds are added to the resulting mixture, stirred and brewed in a dark place for two weeks. As a result, the mixture is consumed 50 g before meals.

Sea products.The next products that increase potency are seafood, which is a natural aphrodisiac. Today, the seafood market is diverse. These are mussels, shrimp, squids, clams, oysters and more. You can combine business with pleasure. Arrange a romantic dinner with flowers, wine or champagne, add seafood and ensure success with the woman.

Xama.At first glance, a simple product like sour cream is also an aphrodisiac and helps increase potency. The use of sour cream is different. It is used both in salads and as a supplement to various sauces. Sour cream is often added to first courses. Beer cocktails with sour cream are famous for their properties. Contraindications in this case are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hazelnuts and dried fruits.Simple foods such as nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, pistachios), artichokes (fresh only), dried fruits (raisins, prunes, plums) will help to increase the potential quickly. Fresh artichokes can be seasoned with olive oil, dried fruits are chopped in equal proportions, half a liter of red wine is added and boiled over low heat. Spices are added as desired. It is recommended to take such a cocktail before intimacy.

Protein food.In general, any protein food, fruits are excellent for this role, because they contribute well to the production of testosterone. However, all of the above products can be combined. For example, make a salad of shrimp and avocado, pineapple and squid. Such salads are spicy with sunflower oil or sour cream, but in no case mayonnaise, because it has a negative effect on the potency. Salt and spices are added to taste.

Potassium-boosting protein delicacies are beef and sheep eggs. The cooking process is simple. Eggs are cut, fried with onions and carrots.
Sweet lovers can use chocolate, which enhances male functions. However, do not forget that it is not recommended to abuse chocolate, you can use it daily, but a little.
New - well forgotten old
An old but forgotten way to increase the potential is the use of mustard plasters in everyday life. If you apply mustard plasters on your feet, it activates blood circulation. Thus, blood flow to the pelvic organs is provided for the man, and sexual activity increases accordingly. You can also use a contrast shower to improve blood circulation. In addition to its main function, such a shower will help increase the body's protective properties.
Medical equipment to increase capacity
Another way to stimulate potency is the Kuznetsov applicator, which is widely used in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You can buy the applicator at any medical equipment store. Apply to waist, feet, toesThe spine activates reflexes and thus contributes to a man's sexual activity.
You should use it twice a day, before or after breakfast and dinner. An important element of such a procedure is peace of mind and complete relaxation of the body, distraction from extraneous sounds and thoughts. This is a kind of home meditation, you can turn on soothing music and enjoy the process.
There are many ways to increase male potency at home today, but it is important to remember that none of them can completely eliminate the existing problem. Such methods have only a temporary effect. To rule out health problems, a man should consult a doctor to avoid the presence of infections or psychological problems that require medical intervention. Only after such problems are eliminated can you resort to methods to increase your potential at home.
This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice. Contact your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.