A partner's readiness for intimacy cannot be determined solely by the condition of his penis. An erection is not always visible, but it is often important for a woman to be aware of what she likes. It is easy to understand that a person is easily agitated and often has indirect symptoms.
Non-verbal signals
A person, whether voluntary or unwilling, shows interest in an object of the opposite sex through external behavioral manifestations and body reactions. Non-verbal messages from a partner will help you understand your situation and readiness for sex. Often the repetition of actions speaks of his desire. This "reflection" is a clear sign of passion and the desire for a closer relationship.
When communicating, a passionate man will try to approach, reduce the distance to the object of desire, and this action is carried out automatically without realizing it. In addition, he will try to touch the woman with his hands or feet, to make contact with the body, but this does not mean that the excited partner will develop an attack without following the rules of etiquette.
The contact will not be random, light, obsessive enough, but the excitement experienced by the man during such contact is clearly felt. A woman understands that this behavior is not accidental, she sees the stubbornness of human behavior and a certain nervousness.
It is also important to note the external manifestations of a man's behavior. Excitement instantly tries to straighten his shoulders, pull on his stomach, and present his figure in a favorable light. Often, due to excitement, the partner begins to lick his lips and touch his chin, nose or ears with his fingers, which is typical for women.
The alarming symptoms of a person who appears without words can be reduced to a small list of behavioral characteristics:
- an excited man tries to persuade a woman - to move a chair, to open a door, to carry something, or to serve;
- tries to reduce the distance in communication;
- a man tries to make light body contact during a conversation;
- a man who is passionate about a woman does his best to be alone with her more often.
Positions of a man

The need to show sexual attraction in secret arose at a time of strict rules and regulations, when attitudes toward the intimate process were prohibited by moral norms and church standards. Both male and female partners had to be demonstrated a desire to act without fear of publicity and public condemnation. It is in such cases that non-verbal cues allow information about likes and dislikes.
From the point of view of a normal man, it is wrong to want a woman and not show her. Therefore, a potential partner, unconsciously or unconsciously, tries to show interest in the object of desire through sexual acts and postures.
Men show most of their gestures and postures at the reflex level, regardless of their sexual orientation towards the woman. Some are openly interested, others are more secretive, and only a girl who is ready for contact reads.
When a man sees an attractive woman, he involuntarily begins to give "alpha man". Preparation for sexual intercourse is expressed by confident postures and showing a high tone of the physical condition of his body. This is usually seen in the following manifestations:
- the man straightens his waist and straightens his shoulders;
- tries to pull deeper into the stomach;
- if a man is on his feet, his feet are shoulder-width apart, showing a special stability and a strong position;
- it is also important to monitor the condition of the man's shoe socks, if he is interested in any attractive person, they will be directed to this woman;
- If a man sits in a chair, he will involuntarily spread his legs, thus demonstrating his genitals, ready to mate.
The involuntary postures and gestures of a man who wants to have a woman he loves are often similar to the behavior of male monkeys during tearing and mating games, which show the common roots of primates and humans.

An excited man begins to straighten his clothes and hair, hoping to attract the woman's attention with his appearance. Instead of an angled and heavy gait, he moves as fast as an athlete, while correcting figure defects, straightening and lifting his stomach. There is a glow in the eyes, the skin on the face is automatically compressed, and the bags under the eyes disappear by themselves. In general, passion makes a person very young and is really more desirable for a friend.
Such a gesture is now seldom used, and many have forgotten it, but even fifty years ago, the thumbs behind the trouser belt were a rude, attractive gesture against a woman trying to show off her genitals.
The delay in a man's view of the object of lust says a lot. When you look into a woman's eyes more than the rules of courtesy, it shows her excitement and closer contact.
The placement of the hands on the hips shows a woman's physical superiority, strength and power over a man's rivals, and therefore her willingness to procreate.
Interestingly, women are more sensitive to the manifestations of male attention and quickly feel all the tricks of a possible partner, and a boy can not understand the sympathy shown to him by a girl for a long time.
Physical manifestations

In one man, the state of arousal is manifested not only by the erection of the penis, but also by other, often less obvious physiological symptoms.
An avid man often corrects the details of his clothes, literally loosening the tie knot, which begins to suffocate. Breathing becomes rhythmic, the timbre may change downwards, the eyes blur, the pulse speeds up, the blood pressure jumps. During this period, it is very difficult to hide behavioral traits from outside attention, and more from the object of desire - a woman immediately catches such signs and consciously notes them.
A man can wake up not only with direct manifestations of a woman's sexuality, but also with obsessive thoughts about intimacy. The oncoming wave of passion captures the partner and the behavior changes depending on temperament and hormonal levels. Common symptoms of erotic tension are physiological indicators that resemble a stressful situation in terms of the symptoms listed above. Along with rapid breathing and heartbeat, changes in voice and pressure, increased muscle tone, dilated pupils, and increased salivation are noted.
During an erection, a clear fluid is released from the penis, which is a type of oil that does not contain sperm, but allows you to penetrate the woman's vagina without much effort. It rises along the walls of the urethra and remains at the head of the penis in the form of drops.
The fat comes from the Cooper glands and contains various enzymes. This clear liquid has several functions:
- clears urine residues in the urethra;
- the alkaline composition of the lubricant neutralizes the acidic environment of a woman's vagina;
- the viscosity consistency of the lubricant allows the preparation of the urethra for the release of semen;
- The lubricant allows you to perform friction during sexual intercourse without damaging the delicate skin.

The amount of lubricant depends on the individual characteristics of the man's body and can range from a small drop to 5 ml. The main purpose of removing this fluid is to provide a favorable environment for a child to become pregnant. To increase the survival rate of active sperm, it is necessary to neutralize the acidic atmosphere of the vagina.
The main symptom of a man's sexual arousal is an erection of the penis. Due to the increased blood supply to the penis, the cavernous bodies fill with plasma, and the size of the body increases significantly in length and width.
The usual change in the size of the penis depends on the individual characteristics of the man's body, but it has been noted that a small penis grows significantly more noticeably than a more influential organ.
The erect penis becomes hard and elastic, which allows penetration into the woman's vagina, the man is now completely ready for coitus, and the passion is even more intense.
When it penetrates a woman's breasts, a man's body is more involved in the process of sexual intercourse. The heart rate rises, the muscle tension reaches the limit, the pressure rises even moreand it is almost impossible to curb passion.
For a man, the climax of sexual intercourse is ejaculation, followed by orgasm. Pleasure lasts 5-10 seconds and occurs due to the contraction of the smooth muscles of the prostate gland as it is pushed out of the urethral semen filled with millions of sperm.
During orgasm, a man may make sharp noises and moans. Sperm volume depends on a person's constitution and duration of abstinence.